Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What a day :-( & :-)

Well, we finally made it to Moving Day (day 1 of 4)!  I know some of you may have believed we were NEVER going to get here!  I was one of them, too.  But, here we are.

The 6 movers were alert and ready to start packing this morning.  I was on pins and needles wondering what they were going to say of the mess my house was and of how much stuff, er... clutter, er...things our family has!

I couldn't help it but shortly after they came in the house, I had to head off into another room and I burst down crying from the stress that's been building up to this point.  I said I wasn't going to do that till I got on the plane when I was mentally saying my goodbyes to family and friend all over this great country.  But  the tears came and I couldn't stop them.  It felt so good once I was finished.  I felt refreshed and was ready to get going, doing whatever the movers wanted me to do.

I guess it didn't help that I got a touch of bronchitis, made me feel sick in my head and chest.

So now we have a lot of the "to be stored" stuff taken out of the house.  Tomorrow brings the rest of the "store" stuff being removed and more of the "travels by sea (surface)" stuff that will take 2-4 months (yes I said MONTHS) to reach our house in Queidersbach (sounds like Spidersbock), Germany.

I will try to update my blog tomorrow night with the day's events.  I will close with something my Mom used to say to me  "Chrissy, stop your crying" (I guess I've always been a little emotional).

Night Night

p.s. Tomorrow I will tell you about the adventure our animals are on while we pack up their whole world and prepare to plop it down somewhere new.